This week's podcast features an interview with M.G. Harris -- known for her best-selling book series 'The Joshua Files'. She was also tasked with taking on and completing Thunderbirds creator Gerry Anderson's Final Project: Gemini Force One.
Pod 109 includes the FAB Fact, plus a BONUS FAB Fact, Podsterons messages including clarification on a Stingray Blu-ray from Jamie, A nasty surprise for Jamie, Gerry Anderson News, some other thoughts and messages from Mister Richard James and our lovely listeners, the interview with MG Harris (Part One), and Chris Dale's amazing Randomiser!
Podcast Interview with M.G. Harris Completing Gerry Anderson's Final Project
Podcast Interview with M.G. Harris Completing Gerry Anderson's Final Project
- by
- 13 July, 2020
- 1 min read