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ITV Reveal a New Thunderbirds Are Go Image

ITV Studios have released a new Thunderbirds Are Go image in License Global Magazine. The image appeared today ahead of ITV's appearance at BLE, London 7-9 October 2014. The image shows the Tracy brothers standing in front of Tracy Island - images of which have been revealed over the last few months. One of the especially noteworthy things about this new Thunderbirds Are Go image is the reinterpretation of the classic Thunderbirds uniform - with sashes which appear to now match the colour of the pilot's Thunderbird craft, and feature special devices which may well be specific to the job of each Thunderbird pilot. Thunderbirds Are Go premieres in 2015 - the 50th anniversary of Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds (1965), and is being produced using a mixture of model sets and CG characters and craft. new thunderbirds are go image -- It's an exciting year for Gerry Anderson fans. As well as Thunderbirds Are Go, Anderson Entertainment recently launched a crowdfunding campaign for a new puppet production - Gerry Anderson's Firestorm. The project is now raising funding via cowdfunding website Kickstarter.
