The Gerry Anderson Photo Archive
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1 Min read
Gerry Anderson was well known for being one of the least nostalgic men who ever lived, despite producing some of the most iconic TV shows and films ever conceived. When interviewed for his biography (What Made Thunderbirds Go) he said that he hadn't held onto very many photos or mementos over the years, although a number of interesting photos did come to light at that time.
Shortly after his death on Boxing day 2012 his family discovered several boxes of photos, letters and scrap books which had been kept at the bottom of a storage chest at the family home. Within the archive were hundreds of photos, letters, notes, and newspaper articles that had been amassed over many years - from Gerry's childhood until the mid 1980's.
The Gerry Anderson photo archive was sorted through by the family and Fanderson chairman Nick Williams, before being professionally digitised. The digitisation process has now been completed, and the majority of these items have been successfully identified and catalogued. However a number of images, including the one featured on this blog, have yet to be identified, dated and catalogued.
Do you recognise this image? Do you recognise the background? If you think you can tell us more about this photo then please get in touch so we can finalise cataloguing of the Gerry Anderson photo archive.
In due course, we hope to release a special book featuring high quality versions of these amazing archive photos, and we'll keep you up to date with that as things progress.